in Promotion of Solid Waste Management
“A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt.
“Waste” is just a human concept defined as an unwanted material or substance. But there is really no such thing as waste in nature, as it is able to balance production and decomposition ensuring stability and sustainability in the natural system. However, humanity has started producing wastes more than enough that the nature can manage. The presence of waste alone is not just because of improper disposal but is also an indication of overconsumption and inefficient usage of materials. People have become so careless in disposing off their wastes that it started destroying our environment. And with the increase in the population, the generation of waste increases proportionately.
Solid Waste Management (SWM) has been a problem in almost all of the places in the world. Though there have been several programs and approaches to aid in the improvement of the system, the problem on SWM still continues. In Barangay San Vicente, like any other places, the problems include inadequate policies, enabling legislation, poor/no facilities and services, and absence of environmentally aware and stimulated residents. With the presence of just one of these problems, SWM will definitely fail. Therefore, a holistic program addressing these problems is the most ideal and efficient.
With the program “Zero Waste”, Mahayag Cuatro aims to facilitate the local residents and officials in successfully transforming Barangay San Vicente a clean and safe barangay. With this, the activities in this program focuses on the providing public knowledge, awareness, and care to the environment, aid in the creation of Barangay ordinance on SWM, strengthening and improving existing policies, enforcing laws, providing facilities and developing barangay services regarding waste collection, and promoting waste minimization, recycling, and reuse.
The Zero Waste Program aims to make San Vicente, Mahayag, Zamboanga del Sur a clean and safe barangay by the year 2015.
To increase the number of households practicing garbage segregation from 39% to 80%.
To increase the number of households practicing garbage disposal with containers from 12% to 80%.
To reduce the incidence of throwing garbage in public areas from 30% to 10%.