In order to Defeat Malnutrition
The H.A.P.I. Kids Program
Malnutrition has been a perennial problem in the country. It affects everyone, most especially our children. In fact, In 2008, based on the World Health Organization, the stunting rate among Filipino children ages 0-5 years old is 32.3% while the percentage of wasting is around 6.9%. In Region IX, the underweight rate is at 33.3% in 2008The national government has been pushing its efforts in addressing this pressing issue. The Department of Health have devised many programs to combat malnutrition in the country. Non Governmental Organizations have also been taking their part in helping these affected children.
In Barangay San Vicente, Municipality of Mahayag, Zamboanga del Sur, there were identified malnourished children ages 5 years old and below. The problem was presented to the barangay during the assembly, and everyone agreed that this should be immediately acted upon by the barangay officials. Thus, the HAPI Kids Program was launched last 2012 at the said area. The program was spearheaded by the 4th year Medical Students of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine in coordination with the Local Officials of the said barangay. This involves series of programs designed and planned to improve the current nutritional status of the children.
Healthy Kids ages 5 years old and below of Barangay San Vicente, Mahayag, Zamboanga del Sur
General Objective:
To reduce the rate of undernourished children among children 5 years old and below of Barangay San Vicente, Mahayag, Zamboanga del Sur by the year 2015.
Specific Objectives:
To decrease the number of wasting from 10% to 4%
To decrease the number of severe wasting from 22% to 8%
To decrease the number of stunting from 22% to 17%
To decrease the number of severe stunting from 8% to 4%
Improve the knowledge of Residents regarding Good Nutrition